
Proper Operation Maintenance of Electric Pulley

Please notice the following proper operation maintenance of motorized pulley, we are sure it will be a good help to you:

Ø  Each time before the start, please check the bolt, surrounding environment, oil leakage condition, cables condition for inspection, to create a good condition for normal operation.
Ø  New pulley should start with inching running, when it gradually turns into normal and running after 10 minutes, please check the noise, and temperature rising of the parts.
Ø  If oil leakage occurs to electric drum, please pay attention to check two parts: oil seal and wear , tear or deformation condition, if the it is invalid or shape changed, should timely replace the cage and oil seal; Second, air channel cannot be blocked, if any blockage, grease and sundries shall be removed as soon as possible to ensure smooth channel.
Ø  Regularly check the oil level in the drum is an important part of the daily maintenance, the regulation of the oil level height is one of the conditions to ensure the normal operation of the drum, checking method can be carried out according to the method described in the specification.

