
PK Engineering Suggests Daily Care and Maintenance of Motorized Pulley

Are you worried about maintaining and repairing motorized pulley during belt conveyoroperation? We are sure the following solution in four aspects will be a big help :
1. In order to create a good situation for normal operation, surrounding environment, fastening bolts, oil leakage, the cable should be checked before each start-up.
2. Start up the new pulley with inching running, then it will become normal gradually, machine vibration, noise, and temperature heating of each operating component should be checked after running for 10 minutes.
3. If oil leakage occurs to motorized pulley, two parts should be checked : one is oil seal, check it whether has wear and tear or deformation phenomenon, if any, please replace the cage oil seal timely; the other one is that the outlet mustn’t be blocked, if there is any blockage, the deposition of dust, grease and sundries shall be removed as soon as possible to ensure smooth access.
4. Regulation of the oil level height is one of the conditions to ensure the normal operation,so please check the oil level regularly.
More information,please click:www.pkengineeringsol.com
Conveyor Pulley

